NeoLifeShake Berries n' Cream, Meal Replacement Protein Shake
Item no: 917
A delicious shake for daily nutrition and weight management. Convenient, tasty and an easy way to receive all nutrition you need to stay energized and keep track of your weight. About 237 kcal per serving with skim milk. Contains 18 g protein, 5 g fibre, 22 amino acids and a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. : no artificial colours, sweeteners, flavours or preservatives added.
Biologically complete with all 22 amino acids including the 9 essential ones.
Scientifically advanced blend from several natural sources for superior amino acid profile
- Soy
- Milk
- Caseinates
- Whey (rich in the branched chain amino acid leucine)
Rich source of protein with18g of lean protein per serving (26g when mixed with skim milk) essential for cellular nutrition and vitality. Proprietary protein blend.
Rich source of fiber with 5g per serving
From whole food sources—soy, oat and guar. Proprietary fiber bland.
Glyceamic Response Control Technology to ensure efficacy.
Turns out the popular phrase, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ isn’t a myth after all. So eat up, your day depends on it!

Engage in physical activities that you enjoy doing. It gives you energy, makes you stronger in body and mind and sets you off to meet life at your best every day!